Ten Saunas for your well-being
In our immense sauna landscape, ten saunas await your visit. The 'brine and salt world' with its salt sauna, salt lounge with graduation house and the salt garden belong to the special highlights of the Iodine-Brine thermal baths.
The Roman-Finnish-style balneum in the Iodine-Saline Spa is directly connected to the spa's pool area. Its centerpiece is an octagonal building in bright, cheerful colors with a circular pool around which are two iodine-saline steam rooms (45° C), two sanariums (60° C) and a herbal sauna (75° C).
The term "balneum" is derived from the old Roman concept of public health centers. Towards the end of the first century, it was replaced by the term "thermae". These included an exercise room, a swimming pool and various bathing rooms with cold and hot baths and a steam room with relaxation rooms.
Brine & SaltWorld
In the Brine & SaltWorld visitors sweat in an 85 ° C warm salt sauna, or relax in a salt garten or at a comfortable firplace. The BrineWorld was built on stilts: On a 180 square meter area is a saline experience room with 70 ° C. There is space for 40 people. From the room and from the terrace you have a good view of the spa gardens and the Ilmenau river.
Reinvigoration through perspiration
The main objectives of "saunating" are gentle self-cleaning and purification of the body. Switching from heat to cold water relaxes your muscles while circulation and metabolism are stimulated and blood pressure is lowered.
Sweating and repeated cold showers also provide an intensive cleansing of the skin and can slow the skin's aging process significantly